The ImpactAI Scholarship

The ImpactAI Scholarship

The ImpactAI Scholarship, offered by the Brandtech Group in collaboration with One Young World, aims to support young leaders who have initiated impactful social or environmental campaigns. Here are the key details about the scholarship:

About the Scholarship

  • Sponsor: The Brandtech Group in partnership with One Young World.
  • Purpose: To integrate generative AI technology into social and environmental initiatives to amplify their impact.
  • Benefits: Scholars will attend the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal and gain permanent membership in the One Young World Ambassador Community. They will also receive mentorship and networking opportunities from the Brandtech Group.
  • Support Provided:
  • Access to the One Young World Summit in Montréal from 18 – 21 September 2024.
  • Hotel accommodation in Montréal from 17 to 23 September 2024.
  • Return air travel.
  • Catering (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
  • Ground transportation between Summit venues in Montréal.





Eligibility Criteria

  • Age: Applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old at the time of the One Young World Summit 2024.
  • Travel: Must be able to travel to Canada for the Summit.
  • Passion: Demonstrated passion for addressing local or global issues.
  • Impact: Leadership in creating positive social or environmental impact through a solution, initiative, or campaign.
  • Vision: Clear vision for how integrating generative AI will enhance their solution.
  • Engagement: Willingness to engage with fellow scholarship recipients and the Brandtech Group team at the Summit.





Application Deadline

  • Deadline: 31 July 2024.

For more details and to apply, please visit the official scholarship page here: ImpactAI Scholarship
